
The Florence campus provides 本笃会的大学 undergraduate students the opportunity to study abroad in Italy for a semester.



  • Live for three months in a beautiful villa in Tuscany.
  • Experience Italy’s great food and hospitable people.
  • Come to better understand other cultures as well as their own.
  • Form an amazing community even if they didn’t know each other before.
  • Pick up a language and use it with native speakers in real situations.
  • Learn about the Catholic and Benedictine roots of Western culture.
  • 访问 historic places in Italy and around Europe.
  • 利用低成本的交通工具.


It is the goal of 本笃会的大学 to have its students in Florence experience:

  • 美存在于艺术、自然和人际关系中
  • 共同生活的友谊
  • Discovery while living near the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance

The Program uses the city of Florence and its surroundings as a grand laboratory. The courses offered draw on the enormous literary and artistic heritage of the city of Florence, widely considered to be the cradle of Italian culture.


该项目在摩根别墅举办, 在佛罗伦萨附近, in an area that has been home to elegant villas and hunting reserves of rich Florentine merchants.  塞蒂尼亚诺Villa Morghen怎么样, a village nestled in hills about 3 miles from the historic center of Florence. Students can easily take inexpensive public buses to see central Florence’s beautiful architecture and enjoy a gelato.  Florence’s convenient central Italian location makes it easy for students to visit other Italian cities by train on the weekends. Students can also take trains or inexpensive flights to other European cities.


Students both live in and take classes in Villa Morghen, a beautiful Italian villa more than 500 years old. Benedictine Olivetani monks used it as a monastery for many years.   All bedrooms have a view of Florence or the vast garden of the ex-monastery, 柏树丰富, 冷杉, 橄榄, 无花果树和樱桃树.  访问ors also enjoy outdoor evenings while watching the sun set behind historic Florence’s skyline.


The program includes guided visits to Subiaco and Montecassino, 阿西西和佩鲁贾, 锡耶纳和圣加尔加诺.

The 冷杉st week of the program is spent in Rome, where the group will meet the Pope in the Wednesday Audience, as well as visit the main historical and religious sites.


  • ITAL-1000  Beginning Italian  I – 4 credit hours, fulfills Foreign Language requirement. 
  • ITAL-1020  Beginning Italian II  – 4 hrs, fulfills Foreign Language.
  • 中世纪的欧洲-3小时, fulfills Aesthetic Experience or Historical Perspective, 西方的角度来看, 和全球视野.
  • GNST-3000  International Study Reflection and Practicum – 1 hour, General Education.
  • 除了上面的课程, a 本笃会的大学 faculty member travels with the students to Italy as program faculty leader and teaches a class.
    • 在2024年的秋天. Richard White will teach a course on Dante’s Divine Comedy with a special focus on Dante’s theology.
    • 在2025年的春天. Mark Schramp will teach a class on the Science of Food.



Fall 2024: the tentative dates for the Florence fall semester 2024 are September 9 – November 26, 2024.


The semester in Italy includes a week trip to Rome, Montecassino, 和Subiaco, 周末去阿西西和佩鲁贾, 还有锡耶纳和蒙特奥利韦托一日游.


This is a list of program costs that will help students estimate their budget for the semester in Florence. 

  • 学费、食宿费 – Regular 本笃会的大学 tuition for a semester. Room cost for academic year 2023-2024 is $3,675, and the meal plan is $2,770. 所有奖学金均适用.
  • 行政留学费用 -留学费用3美元,000(春季学期)/$2,000 (fall semester) paid in two payments — $750 non-refundable deposit when students apply, 其余的在他们被接受后. 
  • 机票 – Cost depends on the airline and varies over time.
  • 下一张白金卡 – Students pay $95 for 旅行 Medical Insurance.
  • – for the class taught by the BC faculty, if required. (You don’t need to buy books for the other classes).
  • 电话 – Consider buying an international plan with your provider or buying a local SIM card.
  • 周末两顿饭 – Saturday dinner and Sunday lunch are not covered by the meal plan at Villa Morghen.
  • 当地的交通 -不在课堂上参观时. 当地交通费用为1欧元.70分钟的车票50美元. 佛罗伦萨的十次公交通行证价格为14欧元.
  • 个人支出 – The total amount of money for personal expenses largely depends on the lifestyle you choose. In particular, consider if you are planning to:
    • 在节目之前或之后旅行, as well as during weekends (trips to Italian cities by train are relatively inexpensive, trips to European destinations are more expensive, 然而, you can find excellent opportunities by flying with low-cost airlines like Ryanair)
    • Buy souvenirs for family and friends (including wine, food, clothes, etc.)
    • Spend on meals and entertainment during weekends.


Students can apply starting from the 冷杉st day of school of the semester prior to the one they intend to apply. 申请表格可在网上查阅. 链接贴在本页的顶部. Students have to submit the online form and pay a $750 fee at the Business Office or in RavenZone. The capacity of the program is limited to 50 students. 选择标准包括:资历, 专业(部分专业需要出国留学, others have limited flexibility on when the students can go abroad), 学术问题, 金融问题, 学生生活关注. Programs of Distinction participants (Presidential, 荣誉, Gregorian) have some priority in the fall semester. As long as students apply and pay within the deadline the timing of the application/payment is not a selection factor.

欲了解更多信息,请联系 丹尼尔马苏之后


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